Our Donors

There are many ways to donate to the TWS website and the Wild Species Working Group. Financial support is always needed. Images of plants in the wild, seed production fields, and seeds can also be donated. Wild seeds (about 600 to 2,000 seeds) that do not have a protocol page and are being sold on the market would be appreciated. These donated seeds can be used for seed imaging as well as comparative germination trials.

Appreciation must be given to those who have donated to the Wild Species Working Group. We have posted our donors at the base of the home page in the Testing Wild Species (TWS) website. Clicking on each company logo takes you to the company’s website. Without the many donations we have received, this website would still be a dream. Now that the website has been built, our team of volunteers will be compiling data and images to build the seed testing protocol pages and the seed gallery. This will be a never-ending project, but one that is worth the effort to continuously keep improving, editing, and updating.

How to Donate

At this time, we are not set up to accept credit card donations. Checks should be made out to: Indiana Crop Improvement Association (Please include a note on the check that it is for the “Wild Species Working Group Fund”– (There are no hidden fees or deductions on donations sent to the restricted Wild Species Fund at the Indiana Crop Improvement Association).

Mail to:

Indiana Crop Improvement Association
7700 Stockwell Road
Lafayette, IN 47909
Wild Species Working Group FundIf you have any questions, contact Gil Waibel at 765-523-2535 or by email at waibel@indianacrop.org.

Thank you for your donation,
Gil Waibel
Chair, Wild Species Working Group